Rogue River Dobermans was formed when Scott & Susan met at dog shows! The merging of our two kennels and breeding programs linked a total of over 50 years of dog show experience with our Dobermans. We have titled several American Kennel Club and International conformation champions, four Delta Society Therapy dogs, and a Doberman Pinscher Club of America Register of Merit dog. Our Dobermans have won Specialty Best of Breed, Best Bred-By-Exhibitor in Show, 9 AKC High in Obedience Trial awards, 2 Doberman Specialty High In Rally awards, Veteran Bests in Show, several Reserve Bests in Show, and over 50 Obedience and Rally titles. All the Dobermans that live with us, and even the Pointer, Tillie, are AKC Canine Good Citizens, and several hold the more advanced Community Canine designation. Several of the dobermans have qualified for the American Temperament Test and Doberman Pinscher Club of America Working Aptitude Title, and one Doberman even has a lure coursing title
We are members of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, the Mt. Hood Doberman Pinscher Club, and the Rogue Valley Kennel Club. We teach obedience and rally classes, and Susan is an American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.

We do not condone or support the breeding of the "white"/albino Doberman as it is a genetic mutation.